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Principal's Message

Bryant Elementary's School Principal

Dear Bryant Families,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year.  I am thrilled to be at Bryant and welcome you back to school. It is an honor for me to serve as your Principal this year.

A new school year is always a time to reflect and to count our blessings for being able to return to school and learn together.  The teachers and staff have been busy preparing and planning to welcome our families back to school.

Bryant is a school rich in the tradition of excellence where children are the focus. I join in this partnership with you and our faculty and staff involved in working together to ensure that our students experience success each and every day in a safe and secure learning environment. 

I look forward to an outstanding year watching your children flourish. Please remember that you are your child's first teacher. The most successful schools are those with the most active and supportive parents.  Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can reach me at 405-735-4130 or at Trey Skaggs.


Dr. Trey Skaggs
