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STEM Donations from The People of Oklahoma Oil & Natural Gas

OERB check donations for MHS and WHS
Rusty Anderson

MPS sends a HUGE thank you to The People of Oklahoma Oil & Natural Gas for their recent donations to our Moore High School and Westmoore High School STEM programs.

Community partners create great opportunities for students and staff - ours are generous beyond belief!

VYPE OKC caught up with MHS teacher Amie Ware and WHS teacher Renee Griffith at Moore War last week. Here are their interviews with these two amazing teachers.

MPS sends a HUGE thank you to The People of Oklahoma Oil & Natural Gas for their recent donations to our Moore High School and Westmoore High School STEM programs.

Community partners create great opportunities for students and staff - ours are generous beyond belief!

VYPE OKC caught up with MHS teacher Amie Ware and WHS teacher Renee Griffith at Moore War last week. Here are their interviews with these two amazing teachers.


Tell us a little bit about yourself. Your hobbies, your passions.
My name is Amie Ware. I graduated from Moore High School-once a Lion, Always a Lion. I have been married for 21 years and have five kids ranging from 9 years to 18 years. My kids are in Moore Public Schools and will eventually get to spend four years with me at MHS. I enjoy running, swimming, reading, playing games, doing puzzles when I can and most importantly spending time with my kids and making memories. I am their biggest cheerleader!
What classes do you teach?
I teach Desktop Publishing and Graphic Design. I have been teaching for 19.5 years.
Amie Ware Moore High Teacher
Amie Ware - Moore HS
Where did you go to college and what led you into teaching?
I started off college at Oklahoma City Community College where I got my Associates degree and transferred to University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond where I majored in Business Education.
Who mentored you into the educator you are today?
There are too many to list that have mentored me or influenced me to be a teacher. Some of these people were teachers I had in junior high and high school and others are those that I have had the privilege of working with over the years.
What do you love about teaching?
I love watching the students grow. I love it when something clicks for them and they understand it and have a genuine interest and desire to do better than before. I love getting to know the students at MHS.
MHS student section Moore War
What is great about your current school?
From the teachers I work with to the administration here at Moore High School and at Moore Public Schools, the support, desire and passion that is at this school and school district is phenomenal. We all want the same for these students–to succeed and for them to be a leader.
Why is teaching Science and Math so important?
Teaching science and math is so important because it is a part of our everyday lives and having a solid understanding of how things work together or add up is huge.

Tell us a little bit about yourself. Your hobbies, your passions.
I absolutely love technology! I spend most of time outside of school either volunteering at my church or visiting thrift and antique stores around the state.
What classes do you teach?
I personally teach Computer Repair 1 & 2 and Desktop Publishing and Graphic Design.
Renee Griffith Westmoore Teacher
Renee Griffith - Westmoore HS
Where did you go to college and what led you into teaching?
I received my bachelors and masters degrees from Mid-America Christian University. I have always loved computers and education and admired my computer teacher from school. When I realized I could do the same thing, I was set!
Who mentored you into the educator you are today?
Laura Burnell was my Jr. High computer teacher. I thought she had the absolute best job. When I started teaching at Westmoore, she ended up being my hall neighbor and mentor.
What do you love about teaching?
I love seeing students grow and find their passions. My favorite moments are coaching students through real life decisions like furthering their education or going to their first job interviews.
WHS student section at Moore War
What is great about your current school?
I’m proud to be at Westmoore. We have wonderful programs for students to help find their passions and start learning valuable career skills.
Why is teaching Science and Math so important?
Teaching math and science and important because it teaches students far more than the subject, but also critical thinking, problem solving skills, and perseverance. It’s the future and can translate to so many future careers!


OERB at Moore War